I’m having a love affair with leeks. In this recipe, I toss the leeks in with some colorful baby potatoes, saute in olive oil, and sprinkle with sea salt. It’s an easy dish to make as you’re preparing a main course, as long as you stir it occasionally.
Potatoes & Leeks
- 1-2 pounds potatoes*
- 1-2 leeks, trimmed about 2 inches into the green**
- 1 T olive oil
- sea salt
Scrub potatoes and cut into small pieces. Heat olive oil in saute pan; toss potatoes in oil over medium heat. Wash leek(s) thoroughly. Cut lengthwise, wash some more, if needed, then slice crosswise into thin slices. Toss leeks in with potatoes. Cook over medium heat until potatoes are slightly browned. Turn heat down to medium low and continue cooking until potatoes are cooked through. Depending on how the potatoes are cut, this should take 12-15 minutes. Stir occasionally. Turn down the heat if the potatoes are getting too crispy. Just before serving, sprinkle with sea salt to taste. Enjoy!
* Potato Note: Lately I’ve been buying these little gems:
They’re scrubbed, cook quickly, and offer a variety of potatoes in one package. However, you can use any potato for this recipe. I just like the colorful variety and the flavor of these.
**Leek Note: If you haven’t cooked a lot with leeks, you might not know that even when the outside looks clean, the inside can be full of dirt. I’ve found the best way to take care of that is to scrub the outside, then slice the leek lengthwise. When you do this, you can usually see where the dirt is, so you can wash it out by gently separating the layers under running water. Then, you can pack the layers back together and slice it for your recipe.